Unità n. 10

Santa Lucia Mill



The water mill "Santa Lucia" is located in the so-called valley of the mills, in the municipal territory of Palazzolo Acreide, just outside the city, near the modern cemetery.

It is the fourth of a series of mills that were put in motion by the waters of the Purbella torrent. 

Its presence is attested by documentary sources since 1500, and although it is 500 years old, it is still intact in its parts, immersed in an uncontaminated valley, shaded by oaks and walnuts, so that it seems to have stopped in time! 

In the rooms of the Mill the Museum of the Grinding Mill was set up, where photos, short texts, graphs, millstones of various shapes and different historical periods illustrate the evolution of the technique of grinding cereals, from prehistory to the use of hydraulic energy.

After decades of inactivity, in December 2000, after the restoration of all the technical elements, the old milling activity was also reactivated. 

This work of recovery and fruition of cultural heritage has been realized with the aim of returning a structure that bears witness to the identity, history and culture of the Hyblaean territory. 

This is a truly unique place and it is necessary to respect it: if you want to visit it, you need a reservation and, for safety reasons and lack of parking, we invite you to avoid reaching the mill by no other means if not on foot! All in all, a beautiful 500 meters walk, surrounded by nature, separates the square in front of the Cemetery from our Mill!

Here, during the spring and summer period, the wheat cycle laboratory is often organized outside the mill!


Laboratorio: dal grano al pane.

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